Basic Command Memo
Debian GNU/Linux systems have all the graphical applications needed to perform
your daily tasks, so why to use the command line?
- it's faster,
- not all options are present in the graphical interfaces,
- using the command line without GUI saves resources,
- it makes learning the Debian GNU/Linux system easier.
the ultimate command: man
Browse directories
command |
action |
pwd |
Print Working Directory |
cd rep |
Change Directory to rep |
cd |
Change Directory to /home/$USER or ~/ |
cd .. |
move up to the parent directory |
ls rep |
List information about file(s) in rep |
ls -a |
ls with hidden files displayed |
ls -l |
ls with size and rights |
Action on files or directories
command |
action |
mv source target |
move source file to target |
cp source target |
copy source file to target |
cp -R source target |
copy source directory to target recursively |
ln source link |
create a hard link from source to link |
ln -s source link |
create a symbolic link from source to link |
touch file |
create a file or update its modification time |
mkdir rep |
create the repertory rep |
mkdir -p rep/rep2 |
mkdir with creation of parent directory if needed |
rm file |
delete the file |
rm -f file |
delete write-protected file |
rmdir rep |
delete an empty directory |
rm -R rep |
delete a non-empty directory |
du -h file or rep |
display size of file or rep |
View/Compare files
command |
action |
wc file |
Prints byte, word and line counts of file |
cat file |
displays the contents of a file |
more file |
display file page by page. 'Space'=next page, 'Enter'=next line, 'u'=up |
less file |
display file with fine navigation Left/Right/Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown |
head -n x file |
displays the 'x' first lines of file |
tail -n x file |
displays the 'x' last lines of file |
tail -f file |
dynamicaly displays last line of file |
diff file1 file2 |
Displays differences between two text files |
diff -u file1 file2 |
Displays differences between file1 and file2 with patch syntax |
comp file1 file2 |
compares two binary files |
comp file1 file2 n N |
compares two files, file1 from the octet n, and file2 from the octet N |
Users & groups
command |
action |
whoami |
Print the current user id and name |
who |
Print all usernames currently logged in |
id |
Print user and group id's uid, gid |
id user |
Print user and group id's (root only) |
finger user |
Print informations about user |
write user |
Print a message on user's terminal |
tty |
Print the current terminal's name |
su -, sudo |
Switch to administrator mode, superuser |
passwd |
Change the password of the current user |
adduser |
add a user |
deluser |
remove a user |
addgroup |
add a group |
delgroup |
remove a group |
command |
action |
ps |
Process Status. Lists running process |
ps ax |
Print all running processes |
ps aux |
Print all process identified by users |
pstree |
Print all process in a tree |
top |
List processes running on the system in a semi-graphical table |
kill signal pid |
kill a process using its pid |
pkill signal nom |
kill a process using its name |
signals used by kill/pkill
signal |
action |
-1 (HUP) |
Reload the process configuration file |
-2 (INT) |
Interrupt the process |
-3 (QUIT) |
Quit the process |
-9 (KILL) |
Kill the process (to avoid, try '-15' first) |
-15 (TERM) |
Complete the process properly |
-18 (STOP) |
Freeze the process |
-20 (CONT) |
Resume execution of a frozen process |
command |
action |
lsusb |
Lists connected USB devices |
lspci |
Lists connected PCI devices |
cat /proc/cpuinfo |
Displays processor information |
cat /proc/partitions |
Displays mounted partitions |
command |
action |
lspci | egrep "3D|Display|VGA" |
Display the graphics card model |
lspci | grep -i "net" | cut -d: -f3 |
Show the Wifi card model |
lspci | grep -i audio | cut -d: -f3 |
Show the soundcard model |
(sources linuxtrack)
command |
action |
hostname |
Print or set system name |
ping machine |
Send a ping to a machine on the network |
traceroute machine |
Displays a traceroute through a machine |
netstat |
Displays the use of the network by the processes |
netstat -a |
netstat with the display of the server processes |
lsof |
Detailed list of file and network usage |
ip a |
Displays the config of the interfaces |
route |
Displays the routing table |
curl |
Displays public IP |
example: displays its locap IP on wireless wlp3s0:
ip address show wlp3s0 | grep "inet " | tr -s " " ":" | cut -d: -f3
command/option |
action |
locate pattern |
Search for file with a pattern name |
updatedb |
Update locate database |
find path options |
Search for file corresponding to options in path |
find -name pattern |
search for file with a pattern name. ex: find -name '*.html' |
find -type f/d/l |
search by filetype with f=file, d=directory and l=link |
find -exec cmd |
execute cmd on found files |
Example: search for all png files in the ‘Images’ directory, then copy all files
to tmp directory (‘{}’ stands for found files):
find $HOME/Images -name "*.png" -exec cp {} $HOME/tmp/ \;
format |
compress |
extract |
.tar.bz2, .tbz2 |
tar -cvjf archive.tar.bz2 directory |
tar xvjf |
.tar.gz, .tgz |
tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz directory |
tar xvzf |
.bz2 |
bzip2 files |
bunzip2 |
.rar |
- |
unrar x |
.gz |
gzip files |
gunzip |
.tar |
tar -cvf archive.tar files |
tar xvf |
.zip |
zip -r files |
unzip |
.Z |
compress files |
uncompress |
.7z |
7z a files |
7z x |
.xz |
xz -z directory |
unxz |
command |
description |
cat /proc/version |
Version of the Linux kernel used, its name, the version of the compiler used. |
uname -r |
Version of the Linux kernel used. |
dpkg -l | egrep "linux-(header|image)" |
List all kernels installed on your machine. |
Debian package management
the following commands are preceded by "$" (for $USER) or "#" (for #ROOT)
command |
description |
# apt update |
updates the list of packages in the repositories |
# apt upgrade |
update installed packages, without removal |
# apt full-upgrade |
same as 'upgrade' but with removal of packages if necessary |
# apt install package(s) |
install the package(s) passed as argument |
# apt remove package(s) |
uninstall the package(s) passed in argument |
# apt autoremove |
uninstall unnecessary packages |
# apt purge package(s) |
uninstall package(s) + configuration files |
# apt edit-sources |
edit the file containing Debian repository addresses |
$ apt show package |
displays package informations |
$ apt search pattern |
perform a pattern search in the package list |
Various orders
some very practical daily commands (wip):
- print all PDFs in a folder with the default printer:
for f in *.pdf; do lp -o fit-to-page -o job-sheets=none -o media=a4 $f; done
- clean hidden files generated by mac os x:
find . -name "*.DS_Store*" -exec rm {} \;
find . -name "*Icon?*" -exec rm {} \;
- analyze services time-to-start:
systemctl-analyze [blame]
Specific commands on nakeDeb
nakeDeb integrates nakedtools, small scripts to make the geek's life easier ...
nakeDeb also integrates a .bashrc
filled with aliases and functions.
here is the list of commands available on your nakeDeb:
nakedtools |
options |
description |
dotcleaner |
trash, securetrash, cache, thumbnails, history, all, secureall |
trash, cache, previews & recent document cleanup. display a selection menu if launched without arguments. secure option uses shred |
nakedquit |
- |
keyboard shutdown menu |
nakedhelp |
- |
command to open the wiki in your default browser |
nakedwelcome |
- |
launches the nakeDeb greeting |
nakedwalls |
$DIR |
menu which allows you to define a random wallpaper from the $DIR indicated in argument or from the folders specified in the script if started without argument, to choose one or to view them. |
nakedlocate |
$DIR |
searches from the root or in the directory given as argument. opens the parent folder once the search is validated |
popmenu |
[0-8] |
launches a minimal menu in the lower left corner powered by rofi and based on .desktops. the position can be determined as an argument (cf man popmenu) |
aliases & functions in your ~/.bashrc:
alias/functions |
description |
gm, gc, :q, oust, comeback |
cd /media or ~/.config, exit, shutdown, reboot |
ports |
list the applications using the network |
debin package |
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends package |
debrm package |
sudo apt autoremove --purge package |
debup |
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade |
debsh package |
apt search package |
debvs package |
apt-cache policy package |
genpass |
12 characters random password |
getweb url |
capture the content of a website |
nospace |
renames by removing spaces in the names of files in the current folder |
ff pattern |
find pattern in the current directory then lists results |
space |
calculates the occupied space and lists the folders in order |
extract archive |
extract the archive in the current folder |
mktar, mktgz, mktbz, mktxz dir/file |
create a tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.xz archive from the dir/file |
invertcolors |
completely inverts the screen colors (negative view) |