

you can follow nakeDeb news on its dedicated blog (in french).
→ consult nakedBlog.

presenting nakeDeb

Hi, i'm nakeDeb... come play with balloon

nakeDeb is a french Debian based derivative distribution intended to deliver an ultra-minimal debian installation allowing you to quickly enjoy a working system or use it as a lightweight live backup.

nakeDeb is built on Debian stable, uses fluxbox as default window manager and the i3wm window manager as alternate session. No full desktop environment, noDE!.
if your hardware supports wayland, a fully pre-configured sway session is available from the official repositories.

nakeDeb is full keyboard controllable and uses the Nord Theme colorscheme.

nakeDeb is not particularly intended for novices but can be taken in hand by a curious person ;)

nakeDeb is built in a modular way: all the additions are made in the form of classic Debian packages that you just have to uninstall to get pure Debian.

nakeDeb is not a community distribution ... it is above all a minimal playful project. for production use, select standard Debian.

the original version of nakeDeb is distributed in French: you may come across a few words or manual in French. an English version is also offered.


help & support

Need a hand ? nakeDeb has several tools to help you:

If you don't use IRC, you can join me by mail at nakedeb[at]

the nakedhelp command opens the naked'wiki in your default browser.

nakeDeb is a Debian and will respond to advice and commands from the official documentation.

ISO download

you can get an ISO image of the latest nakeDeb release from the download area.

older version are still available in the archives.

you will find on the download area:

ISO image verification and authentication

iso transfer procedure to USB key

on a GNU/Linux system, from your terminal, run the command as root:

dd if=nakedeb-$VERSION-$ARCH.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress; sync

by replacing "$VERSION" by the current version of nakeDeb, "$ARCH" by the appropriate architecture and "/dev/sdX" by the usb device of your key ;)

in graphical mode, you can use etcher USB transfer utility (multi-plateforme).

if you want to test several distributions on a single USB stick, you can use ventoy.

burning procedure on a DVD

once the ISO has been downloaded, insert a DVD into your reader/writer. if it doesn't open automatically, start your burning software and then simply tell it where the ISO image is. you can burn your nakeDeb :)

nakeDeb update

nakeDeb regularly checks for updates and notify you if new versions are available.

nakeDeb is a minimal Debian and meets all the specifications of this operating system. you just need to follow the classic Debian procedure to update your system:
for a classic update (without removing software):

# apt update && apt upgrade

for a full update (with software removal if necessary):

# apt update && apt full-upgrade

be sure to read the warnings and/or instructions provided on the blog (fr) during the official release announcement.


-- nakeDeb & FluxBox --
fluxbox preview

-- nakedeb & i3wm --
i3wm preview


nakeDeb moving...? visit the dedicated page.

technical sheet

nakeDeb vs Debian

nakeDeb relies on Debian for almost all the packages used and keeps a large part of the default configuration of the universal operating system: nakeDeb is a Debian Derivative.
the notable differences between nakeDeb and Debian:




questions/answers ... floating edition

source & licence

sources of the stable release are available on git.

sources of nakedeb packages are available on git.

nakeDeb is published under the WTFPL free licence.