noDE -- fluxbox -- doc
noDE aka no Desktop Environment ...
some informations about fluxbox:
sources: doc 3hg team.
- presentation
- fluxbox on nakeDeb
- graphical configuration
- manual configuration
- user configuration reset
- links
Fluxbox is an extremely light and fast window manager. In the tradition of *boxes, it can by itself constitute a very complete office environment. In addition, it has some interesting advantages in front of the most famous openbox.
Some non-exhaustive advantages:
- Simple and readable configuration syntax (not xml).
- Possibility of configuration by simple menus
- Everything is present by default: taskbar, systray, clock, menu
- Easily configurable keyboard shortcuts
- Fast
- Possibility of grouping windows into tabs, making window management more convenient
- Integrated command launcher (gmrun type): Alt+f2
- Rule definitions for windows
- Pseudo-transparency
Some disadvantages:
- There is no possibility to define a margin where the windows will not be able to go
- No pipemenus, but menus listing the directories with the possibility of launching a personalized command
fluxbox on nakeDeb
nakeDeb embeds a preconfigured fluxbox session that responds to the general documentation and adds some keyboard shortcuts. in its configuration files, fluxbox identifies the keys as follows: "Mod1" = Alt, "Mod4" = Super (windows logo).
- Alt+d: launch rofi
- Alt+p: launch popmenu (custom rofi menu)
- Alt+F2: launch fbrun (an app launcher that stand in the center of your screen)
- Alt+m, Super+m or right-click on the desktop: RootMenu (main fluxbox menu also available from the first arrow of the panel)
- Super+Enter / Alt+Enter: launch a terminal
- Super+r: launch lf (CLI)
- Shift+Super+r: launch pcmanfm (GUI)
- Super+w: launch nakedbrowser (w3m by default)
- Super+e: launch geany
- Super+v: launch alsamixer
- Super+z: launch audio player mocp (CLI)
- Super+x: launch IRC client
- Super+f: search tool
- Super+Backspace: dotcleaner trash/logs/history tool
- Ctrl+Super+w: select a wallpaper
- Alt+Tab: switch focus between windows
- Ctrl+Alt / Super+←/→: navigate between workspaces
- Alt+Shiftq: close a window
- Alt+f: toggle fullscreen mode
- Alt+Space: open window menu
- Super+Shift+←/→: send window to previous/next workspace
- Super+l: lock screen
- Super+Shift+e: launch nakedQuit
- Ctrl+Alt+r: restart fluxbox
- Ctrl+Alt+Backspace: quit fluxbox
a bit of tiling:
- Ctrl+Super+h: tiles windows horizontaly
- Ctrl+Super+v: tiles windows verticaly
the fluxbox session also integrates the conky information tool. to configure it,
go to the fluxbox menu > configuration > conky > edit or directly from it address
more details about conky with the magic word man conky
the fluxbox session also benefits from a small program coded by prx, the fluxbox-automenu, allowing you to list the installed applications (a kind of auto-generated menu like the one you find in other DEs) and to display them in the main fluxbox menu.
graphical configuration
Fluxbox allows fine configuration from its menu: right-click on the desktop > menu > configuration > fluxbox... entries are self-explanatory.
manual configuration
Fluxbox can be configured via the menu accessible by right-clicking on the desktop. The taskbar can be configured in the same way. However, we can configure fluxbox a bit more by editing its configuration files.
luckily for you, the english documentation for fluxbox is very comprehensive. thus, you will find a manual for each section of your window manager:
man fluxbox
: main manpageman fluxbox-keys
: keybinds/mousebinds manpageman fluxbox-apps
: rules manpageman startfluxbox
: startup manpageman fluxbox-menu
: menu manpageman fluxbox-style
: style manpage
user configuration reset
if you have changed your configuration and want to revert to the default Debian or nakeDeb configuration, follow these steps.
- revert to Debian configuration:
- save your personal configuration:
mv $HOME/.fluxbox $HOME/.fluxbox.back
- restart fluxbox from its minimal menu: right-click on the desktop then 'Restart'
- revert to nakeDeb configuration:
- save your personal configuration:
mv $HOME/.fluxbox $HOME/.fluxbox.back
- copy the default nakeDeb configuration:
cp -R /etc/skel/.fluxbox $HOME/.fluxbox
- cleanup useless files:
rm $HOME/.fluxbox/menu-fr $HOME/.fluxbox/menu
- set english menu:
mv $HOME/.fluxbox/menu-en $HOME/.fluxbox/menu
- restart fluxbox from its menu: right-click on your desktop then 'Configuration > Fluxbox > Restart'
default configurations are located in /etc/X11/fluxbox
for Debian
and in /etc/skel/.fluxbox
for nakeDeb.